Along my journey, I have found many mentors, sources of inspiration, books, podcasts, and other healing modalities that have become part of my toolkit, both as a healer, and as a soul. Please see below for some of my favorite resources that I highly recommend to clients! See what calls to you and feels in alignment and go slowly. It's not meant to be a race to the finish line of your souls' completion. It's meant to be a long and divine journey.
Eckhart Tolle
Joe Dispenza
Joe Dispenza
Julia Cameraon
Brene Brown
Byron Katie
Elizabeth Gilbert
Michael Bernard Beckwith
Don Miguel Ruiz
Byron Katie
EFT Tapping
Somatic Work
Inner Child Work & IFS
Sound Healing
Holotropic Breathwork
Brene Brown
Byron Katie
Elizabeth Gilbert
Michael Bernard Beckwith
Don Miguel Ruiz
Byron Katie